Looking for filming in England, outside London? Filming in England has everything you need


What we offer;

  • Free, comprehensive production support to feature film and high-end TV
  • Locations
  • Crew and suppliers
  • Bespoke crewing service
  • Studios and build space
  • Filming in England Partnership to strengthen England’s film-friendly production landscape

Our Remit & Service

We are funded by the BFI to offer bespoke, comprehensive production support to feature film and high-end TV looking to film in England, outside of London.

Our remit is to support continued investment in film and TV production across England, outside London.  To improve support to creative and influential film-makers in their creation of content admired round the world. We work to support further spread in the levels of feature film and high-end TV production activity taking place across the English regions, ensuring communities across the nation enjoy the profile, job opportunities and economic benefits that the sector generates.

We offer a free, comprehensive production support to feature film and high-end TV.  For all other production genres, we offer a signposting service with access to digital resources including locations, crew and suppliers database, crewing service and filming guidance centre.  We work closely with local authorities to provide the tools, advice and guidance they need to effectively service filming in their area.


Our Team

Hayley Armstrong

Head of Production Services


Hannah MacLeod

Film and TV Partnerships Manager


Charlotte Wood

Production Liaison Manager, South West

charlotte.wood@creativeengland.co.uk + 44 (0) 7795 088501

Chelsea Foster

Production Liaison Manager, North West and Midlands

chelsea.foster@creativeengland.co.uk +44 (0) 7788 155 142

Joely Ellis

Production Liaison Manager, East & South East

joely.ellis@creativeengland.co.uk +44 (0)7885 801 794

Josh Coupland

Locations and Partnerships Coordinator


Samantha Rifkin

National Crew and Facilities Manager

samantha.rifkin@creativeengland.co.uk +44 (0) 7526 463 104

Chloe Roden

Team Coordinator


Marc Gallagher

Crew and Facilities Assistant
